Livi Pappadopoulos is a 23 year-old athlete in the U.S. Women's Pro Logrolling Circuit from Southern Wisconsin.
On July 21, 2018 - at just 17 years old - Livi became one of the youngest ever to win a professional logrolling World Championship. Livi went on to win six consecutive world titles, and has already established herself as one of the best professional logrolling athletes of all time. She's competed in over 30 pro tournaments since her debut in 2018. Livi has also been featured twice in Sports Illustrated, as well as Parade Magazine, the hit TV series Dinner Impossible with Robert Irvine, and several other national and regional features on TV, radio, podcasts, and other media outlets.
Aside from training and competing, Livi studies Elementary and Special Education at Viterbo University in La Crosse, Wisconsin. She directs several logrolling events each year and coaches youth of all levels.